Aplicaciones para Aprender a Tocar Piano
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Apps to Learn to Play Piano


Learning to play the piano is a dream for many people. This classic and versatile instrument is loved for its ability to produce a wide range of sounds and emotions.

However, finding time and resources for in-person lessons can be a challenge. Fortunately, modern technology offers a practical and accessible solution: piano learning apps.


These apps transform your smartphone or tablet into a personal music teacher, allowing you to learn at your own pace and convenience.

In this article, we will explore two of the most relevant apps for learning to play piano, highlighting their features and benefits. We will show you how these apps can transform your musical journey.


Why Use Apps to Learn to Play Piano?

Before we dive into the apps, it's important to understand why using technology to learn piano is a great choice:

  1. Accessibility: You can learn anytime, anywhere, without the need for face-to-face classes.
  2. Personalization: Apps offer lessons tailored to your skill level, allowing for more effective learning.
  3. Economy: Apps are generally cheaper than private lessons.
  4. Interactive Resources: Tools like videos, tutorials, and real-time feedback make learning more engaging.

See also:

Recommended App: Simply Piano

Simply Piano Features

Simply Piano is one of the most popular piano learning apps, known for its interactive and user-friendly approach. It offers a comprehensive and fun learning experience.

Interactive Lessons

Simply Piano offers interactive lessons that guide you from beginner to advanced level. Lessons are presented in a clear and practical manner, making it easy to learn fundamental and advanced techniques.

Real-Time Feedback

One of the most valuable features of Simply Piano is the real-time feedback. The app listens to how you play and offers immediate feedback on your accuracy and timing, helping you improve your skills quickly.

Song Library

Simply Piano has a vast library of songs, allowing you to practice with your favorite songs. The songs are categorized by difficulty level, making it easy to choose the ones that best suit your progress.

Challenges and Goals

The app incorporates gamification elements, such as daily challenges and weekly goals, that keep you motivated and engaged in learning.

Benefits of Simply Piano

Personalized Learning

Simply Piano tailors lessons to your skill level, ensuring you learn at your own pace and have a personalized experience.


The gamified approach makes learning more fun and engaging, encouraging you to practice regularly.

Immediate Feedback

Real-time feedback is a powerful tool to correct mistakes and improve your skills quickly.

Recommended App: Flowkey

Flowkey Features

Flowkey is another standout app for learning to play piano, offering an innovative and interactive approach. Developed for musicians of all levels, Flowkey is known for its high-quality lessons and user-friendly interface.

Video Lessons

Flowkey offers video lessons taught by experienced instructors. Lessons are organized into modules covering everything from the basics to advanced techniques, providing a structured learning experience.

Visual Feedback

The app offers real-time visual feedback, allowing you to see exactly where you need to improve. This helps you correct mistakes immediately and improve the accuracy of your notes.

Practice Mode

Flowkey includes a practice mode that allows you to adjust the speed of songs so you can practice at your own pace. This is great for learning tricky passages and honing your skills.

Progress Tracking

The app monitors your progress over time, allowing you to see your development and adjust your learning plan as needed.

Benefits of Flowkey

Quality of Teaching

The video lessons are of high quality, providing a learning experience similar to a private class.

Musical Relevance

The customizable practice mode allows you to focus on the areas you most need to improve, making learning more effective.

Structure and Organization

Flowkey offers a structured approach to learning, ensuring you cover all the important aspects of piano playing in an organized manner.

Apps to Learn to Play Piano


Learning to play the piano has never been more accessible than it is today, thanks to apps like Simply Piano and Flowkey.

These apps offer a combination of interactive lessons, real-time feedback, and high-quality content that can transform your musical journey.

Whether you're a complete beginner or someone looking to improve their skills, Simply Piano and Flowkey are valuable tools that can help you achieve your musical goals.

Don't miss out on this opportunity. Download Simply Piano and Flowkey today and start exploring the world of piano.

With dedication and the right tools, you'll be playing your favorite songs in no time. Good luck and have fun learning music!

Download the applications here

Simply Piano – Android/iOS

Flowkey – Android/iOS

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